When you say yes to Jesus,
you’ll never be the same.
Following Jesus is so much more than a trip to heaven when you die. We believe that following Jesus means partnering with Him to bring heaven to earth now.
In the beginning, God created everything, including humanity, His image-bearers (Genesis 1:26). God’s image-bearers were created out of His unceasing love so they could love Him, love each other, and care for creation. Here, at Transformation Church, we call this, “Upward, Inward, Outward.”
After the Fall in Genesis 3, sin entered the world and humanity was separated from God, our source of life and love. But God, being the good and loving Father that He is, came to rescue His children. He sent His Son, Jesus, to be the Savior for the whole world (John 3:16). Jesus came to earth, died on a cross in place of humanity, and rose from the dead three days later.
What does it mean to follow Jesus?
This is not a one-time decision, it’s a lifelong journey. This journey is called discipleship and you are joined on this journey with God’s family, the Church. The eternal God now eternally lives in you!
Have you trusted Jesus to be your God and Savior?
God’s gift to us is free. We can’t earn it by being good. We receive this gift because God is good. If you’d like to trust Jesus, tell Him: “Jesus, in this moment, I embrace You as the One who died for my sins on the cross. I embrace that You rose from the dead on the third day after your brutal death. I believe that You are the Son of God. Thank you for giving me forgiveness and a new life in You. Amen.”
I’m ready to follow Jesus.
Congratulations! You are now part of God’s family! Here are some next steps we’ve developed to help get you started on this new, incredible journey.
1. Learn more about what it means to be a follower of Christ.
We’ve created a free resource called, Adopted into God’s Family, to give you an overview of what it means to be a follower of Christ. Download and read it to understand more about what it means to follow Jesus daily and your role in the family of God.
2. Get connected to biblical community.
We were created for community! Join us for Sunday services and find a TC Group so you can grow with others.
3. Let us know!
Now that you’ve decided to follow Jesus, let us know so that we can follow up with you!