
Use your gifts to serve the body of Christ.

At Transformation Church, we are not volunteers, we are servant leaders. We look at serving like the way our hearts work inside our bodies. Our heart does not volunteer to beat. It was created and designed with a specific purpose. In the same way, we were created and designed by God to serve within the local church body and in our community. We know that God has gifted you in a unique way to serve His Church, and we want to help you use those gifts to serve the body of Christ!

Transform U: Serve Registration

Serve with Outreach

“Just as each one has received a gift, use it to serve others, as good stewards of the varied grace of God.” 1 Peter 4:10

Ways to Serve

We have several different opportunities to serve. Explore our ministry teams to get started.

Welcome Team

The Welcome Team is the first set of faces you see when you arrive at TC. From the parking team to greeters and ushers, this team exists to Read MoreRead Less

Next Gen

The NextGen Team includes TC Teens and TC Kids. These ministry areas operate in a small group model and exist to help our families Read MoreRead Less


The Discipleship Team exists to help people live out the vision of Transformation Church beyond Sunday morning. This team Read MoreRead Less


The Care Team is at the front of providing care for our church and community and includes a variety of areas. Whether it’s supporting people during a tragedy, Read MoreRead Less


The Communication Team invites people into the vision and mission of Transformation Church with beauty, excellence, and clarity. We collaborate Read MoreRead Less

 Creative Arts

The Creative Arts Team is comprised of Production, Broadcast, and Music. These teams come together to facilitate a space to gather Read MoreRead Less


The Office Team supports all the ministry teams at TC through technology, data, and events. They keep everything moving Read MoreRead Less


Our Facilities Team keeps everything moving for weekend services and our day to ministry operations. Do you possess a skill in a facilities-related Read MoreRead Less

If you’re interested in serving in the community, learn more about Transformation Church Outreach.